How to Make Air Fried Chicken Thighs
air fryer air fryer recipes chicken thighs dinner ideas easy recipes lunch ideas simple and easy recipes Oct 11, 2023How to Make Air Fried Chicken Thighs
Ever since I moved in with my boyfriend then - now husband to FL I've started to really love cooking. And when I say cooking, I mean super easy clean recipes. *insert laugh emoji*
I got this AMAZING air fryer from Beautifully by Drew Barrymore. I'm not even kidding, I'm obsessed. It's such a chic air fryer, 6 qt so I'm able to fit in 6 pieces of chicken thighs and super easy to clean!
Get yours here --> Get Your Beautiful Air Fryer
I buy my boneless chicken thighs from Whole Foods but you can buy it from any where.
Wash, clean and pat dry your chicken.
Marinate to your liking with:
Olive oil
Pink salt
Touch of brown sugar
Mix it all together
Preheat the air fryer to 400 degrees
Place chicken in for 12 minutes then flip for another 10 minutes.
It's such a simple and easy recipe.
Coach Tatiana
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