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Embrace the New Year of 2024

fitness fitness and health health goals healthy living new year goals Jan 11, 2024

with a 30-Day Health Reset Challenge

They say good things come in 3’s, and this year is no exception! We are officially underway in our third year of our 30 day RESET. January is the perfect time to hit the reset button, not just on our calendars but on our physical and mental health and well-being. Embarking on this 30-Day Health Reset Challenge is not just about physical changes or fitness goals; it's a holistic approach to your overall health. As you embrace each aspect of the challenge, you'll find yourself not only transforming your body but also nurturing a positive mindset. Read below to see what bad habits we’re trying to kick, and what healthy habits we’re trying to stick!

Daily Workout: STICK

Challenge yourself to break a sweat every day. Exercise has the incredible power to release endorphins, promoting a positive outlook and increased energy levels. I’ve created over 60 workouts that you can access directly in the app! The best part? You have the choice of a gym or home workout, which means you can get your exercise without ever leaving the house. Get started here

10k Steps a Day: STICK

Step (yes, literally) into the new year with purpose by committing to 10,000 steps each day. Studies published by the Journal of American Medical Association (JAMA) show that walking 10,000 steps each day not only improves cardiovascular health but reduces the risk of both dementia AND cancer! Now imagine the power of this PLUS your fitness goals! So strap on your fitness tracker and let each step be a reminder of your commitment to a healthier, longer, and more active lifestyle.

Alcohol: KICK

It is no secret people consume more than usual around the holidays, and alcohol is no exception. According to a survey conducted by UCLA Health, between Thanksgiving and the new year, alcohol consumption spikes and for some, it’s double their intake for the rest of the year! Participating in a dry January is the perfect opportunity to give your liver a well-deserved break by abstaining from alcohol this month. This challenge not only supports liver health but also contributes to better sleep, clearer skin, and improved mental clarity. And, let’s be real here – everyone can agree knowing with 100% certainty that you won’t wake up hungover or groggy is pretty awesome!

Processed Sugars: KICK

For the next 30 days we are focusing on no added sugars! A month without added sugars can lead to improved energy levels, better skin, and even weight loss. Even bigger benefits include significantly lowering your risk of developing chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and fatty liver disease. Challenge yourself to find natural sweetness in fruits and experience the benefits of reduced sugar intake.

Daily Meditation and Journaling: STICK

Cultivate mindfulness into your day-to-day life through meditation. Whether it's a few minutes of deep breathing or a guided meditation session, taking time for self-reflection can reduce stress and enhance mental clarity. Pair this with 5 minutes of daily journaling to document your journey, thoughts, and introspection. Studies have shown those who participate in gratitude journaling experience lower anxiety, improved moods, better sleep and optimism about the future! 

Prioritizing Hydration: STICK

Water is life, and ensuring you’re properly hydrated is crucial for overall health. Challenge yourself to drink an adequate amount of water each every single day. You can calculate your recommended water intake with my 30 day RESET guide. Staying hydrated supports digestion, boosts energy levels, and improves skin health. Carrying a reusable water bottle with you or setting daily reminders in your phone are simple ways to stay committed and on track to this essential aspect of your health reset.

So, now that we have the overview of the small daily goals we are setting to achieve, let’s turn them into long-lasting healthy habits – together – setting the tone for a healthier, more vibrant 2024! Let January be the launching pad where you invest in yourself by tackling this challenge and those fitness and health goals head on. We still have 4 weeks left, so it’s not too late! I hope you’ll embark on this transformative journey and join me for the 30-Day Health Reset Challenge and revitalize both body and mind, and remember: progress over perfection!


Coach Tatiana

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