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5 Tips To Help You Fall Back In Love With Fitness

2024 goals fall back in love with fitness fall fitness fitness coach fitness tips fitpro healthy living winter arc Oct 21, 2024

Turn Over A New Leaf

Fall is in the air—crisp mornings, golden leaves, and the smell of pumpkin spice lattes around every corner. As nature shifts, it's the perfect time to embrace change in our own lives, especially when it comes to fitness. This season, why not fall in love with your workout routine? Below are some simple, yet effective ways to reignite that spark, helping you stay fit and motivated as we head toward the colder months.

1. Embrace Outdoor Workouts

There’s something magical about exercising outdoors during the fall. The cool air and colorful scenery make it a perfect setting for running, hiking, or yoga in the park. Studies show that spending time in nature can reduce stress levels and improve mood. Your workouts are more enjoyable and less of a chore. Plus, with cooler temperatures, it’s easier to push yourself without overheating!

2. Set Seasonal Goals

Whether it's running a local turkey trot or challenging yourself to hike a scenic trail before the snow hits, setting goals tied to the season can give you a fresh focus. According to research from the American Psychological Association, setting specific, short-term goals can significantly improve motivation and adherence to exercise routines . Make your journey something to celebrate as the season progresses.

3. Mix Up Your Routine with Fall-Themed Classes

Switching up your fitness routine is one of the best ways to avoid burnout. Try a new fall-themed fitness class, like pumpkin HIIT circuits or apple-picking-inspired boot camps (yes, these exist!). According to the National Institutes of Health, variety in exercise routines improves physical and mental adaptation, helping you fall in love with fitness all over again.

4. Create a Cozy Post-Workout Routine

Let’s be honest—fall is also the time to embrace coziness. Post-workout, treat yourself to a warm beverage or a quick trip to the sauna to relax and recover. Research suggests that incorporating enjoyable rituals after your workout can reinforce positive associations, making you more likely to stick with your routine . Think of it as the fitness version of “treat yourself!”

5. Get a Fitness Buddy

As the days get shorter and the couch becomes more tempting, having an accountability partner can make all the difference. Studies published in the Journal of Social Sciences found that people who exercise with a friend or in a group are more likely to maintain their workout habits. This fall, team up with a friend, local hiking group, or sign up for a local fitness challenge with a coworker. And remember, I’m always here as your coach! 

Interested in 1on1 online coaching, apply here to train with me! spots are filling up for the winter arc!


Coach Tatiana

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